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In 2024, a revolutionary wave swept through Zürich, Switzerland, with the inception of RALRAW collective, a pioneering enterprise in the paint 2.0 industry. Their groundbreaking product, offRAL™, represents a significant leap forward in sustainable manufacturing, aligning with the global push towards environmental conservation and responsible consumption.


RALRAW : Pioneering Sustainable Paint Solutions

RALRAW has introduced offRAL™, a unique range of water-saving, reusable, and biodegradable paint rolls, challenging the status quo of the traditional paint industry. This innovative approach not only enhances the efficiency of paint application but also embodies the collective's commitment to environmental stewardship.


Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Commitment

The core of RALRAW's mission is encapsulated in its ESG principles, focusing on reducing the ecological footprint of paint production. offRAL™ is crafted without the use of harmful chemicals such as PVC, Glycol-Ether, Formaldehyde, Phthalates, and others, ensuring safety for both consumers and the environment. Furthermore, the biodegradable nature of these paint rolls dramatically minimizes waste, preventing landfill accumulation.


Revolutionary Production Techniques

RALRAW's production methods stand out for their minimal environmental impact, utilizing 87% less water and producing 93% less CO2 emissions compared to conventional liquid paint and wallpaper manufacturing. This significant reduction underscores the company's dedication to fighting the global water crisis and reducing carbon footprints, aligning with international environmental goals.


DNA of RALRAW : More Than Just Paint

RALRAW transcends the typical boundaries of a paint company; it is a movement towards a more sustainable lifestyle. The essence of RALRAW's DNA is its commitment to not only providing aesthetically pleasing solutions but also contributing positively to global sustainability efforts.


Partnership with

In its quest to make a broader impact, RALRAW has partnered with, an organization dedicated to ensuring safe water access worldwide. This collaboration highlights the company's holistic approach to sustainability — extending beyond product development to empower global communities.



RALRAW's innovative offRAL™ paint rolls are more than just a product; they represent a transformative approach to sustainability in the paint industry. Through pioneering technology and strategic partnerships, RALRAW is not only redefining industry standards but also fostering a more sustainable future. As the collective continues to grow and expand its reach, its impact on both the environment and global communities is poised to increase, setting new benchmarks for sustainability in manufacturing.

By integrating robust environmental policies with groundbreaking product development, RALRAW exemplifies the potential for industry-wide transformation, making it a beacon of innovation and environmental responsibility in the paint sector.

drop us a line

Ready to make a splash with offRAL™? Drop us a line and share what's truly on your mind and in your heart. Whether you have questions, feedback, or simply want to connect with fellow eco-warriors, we're all ears. At offRAL™, we value your input and are here to support your journey towards a more sustainable future. So, don't hesitate—reach out and let's paint a brighter tomorrow together.